Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mount Sinai

Which mountain would G-d choose to descend upon in order to give the Jews the greatest gift, His holy Torah? The tallest mountain and the widest mountain can move their hands, with the help of paper fastners, to show how tall and wide they are but G-d choose Har Sinai, the humble mountain.
We glued paper flowers to decorate Har Sinai and to give it eyes, nose and mouth. We then received big foam flowers and round foam shapes and we practiced copying the pattern that we made. We even prepared more Har Sinai game cards with original flower patterns and we will practice our colors and patterns Har Sinai style. Looking forward to celebrating the holiday of Shavuot and don't forget to insert the saphire Luchot (Tablets) which are glued on to a small popsicle stick!

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